What is Cryptojacking Insurance?


This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:
In consideration of the premium charged for the Policy, it is hereby understood and agreed that:

  1. The aggregate sublimit applicable to all loss under this endorsement is USD $100,000.
  2. The Retention applicable to each incident, event, or related incidents or events, giving rise to an
    obligation to pay loss under this endorsement shall be USD $1,000.
  3. INSURING AGREEMENTS is amended to include:
    1. To indemnify the Insured Organization for any direct financial loss sustained resulting
      from Cryptojacking that the Insured first discovers during the Policy Period.
  4. DEFINITIONS is amended to include:
    Cryptojacking means the Unauthorized Access or Use of Computer Systems to mine for Digital Currency that directly results in additional costs incurred by the Insured Organization for electricity, natural gas, oil, or internet (the “Utilities”); provided, however, that such additional
    costs for the Utilities are:
    1. incurred pursuant to a written contract between the Insured Organization andthe respective utility provider, which was executed before the Cryptojacking first occurred;
    2. billed to the Insured Organization by statements issued by the respective utility provider, which include usage or consumption information;
    3. not charged to the Insured Organization at a flat fee that does not scale with the rate or use of the respective utility; and
    4. incurred pursuant to statements issued by the respective utility provider and due for payment during the Policy Period.
      All other terms and conditions of this Policy remain unchanged.

Cryptojacking Insurance

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